hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
hi. my name is MJ Sanqui. I‘m from Boone, North Carolina. I’m twenty - four years old. my birthday is in November. I’m a scorpio. my hair is black, my eyes are dark brown. I’m five feet tall. my parents and I immigrated from the Philippines when I was very young. I have one sister named Len. I’m a senior in college. it’s nice to meet you.
the voice that speaks for me
sound installation and performance piece, 7 minutes 15 seconds
this work is concerned with the capacity of recorded and synthetic sound to provoke a sense of iunease and uncanny dread. the soundscape seeks to exploit a network of fears and anxieties related to social media, artificial intelligience, data collection, and advanced vocal and facial surveillance and recognition; the fear of the double, perhaps realized by advanced technologies.
this sound piece is best played through headphones, or aloud in a quiet space where one can be alone. listeners are recommended to hear it in complete darkness. as a performance piece, it should be played after the artist introduces themself outloud.